Red’s Bonus Tee 2022 - The Shop is Open

Regarding the Moisture Wicking shirt… it’s as large as spreadshirt allows at a decent resolution. There are three options… 1) remove that style of shirt -or- 2) redo the design at a larger scale (higher resolution) and resubmit the design -or- 3) leave it as is. The issue with option 2 is that I run the risk of it getting rejected (Spreadshirt is very inconsistent in their policy… had two shirts of the same design but different colors… one was ok, one was rejected [emoji2361])

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Leaving it as it is fine. I'll live with it.

I’ll keep the resolution in mind going forward… and will consider redoing that one in the near future. Apparently they put you into a timeout if you get 10% (or more) of your submissions rejected. Thanks to their inconsistencies I’m sitting just below that. But I’m adding some new Disney cruise designs soon, so once I’m well above the threshold I can resubmit it at the better resolution.

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Got back from Disney around noon today, and about 2 hours later, mailman came - and my shirt arrived today. Great timing.

Looks good - I went with a slightly different color with a light moss green - it felt more '80s' vibe to go with the cassette.