Finally got a few decent shots of the band...about 10 months too late for the website contest last December! ; 
It was somewhat amusing...the park was thin crowds on a hot September day, but the crowd for their show was pretty good. ; I was walking around from side to side to get a good shot or two, and several times Randy was giving me that 'do I know that fat guy or what' look - he probably knew he'd seen me around, but not sure if it was from meeting him or just from being at Epcot a lot (both, actually). ; Tony seemed to do a little better, with a nod of the chin and a tip of the head...'hey, I know I've seen that guy before'.
Anyway, I thought this was a decent jamming moment for Randy:
And the rest of the guys getting together for some jamming too:
Can't wait for cooler weather in December, when I can spend a little more time there - as it was, after 20 minutes watching them in the direct sun, I had to retreat to the refeshment station on the other side of Canada and grab a drink and a seat in the shade to cool off!
[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]

It was somewhat amusing...the park was thin crowds on a hot September day, but the crowd for their show was pretty good. ; I was walking around from side to side to get a good shot or two, and several times Randy was giving me that 'do I know that fat guy or what' look - he probably knew he'd seen me around, but not sure if it was from meeting him or just from being at Epcot a lot (both, actually). ; Tony seemed to do a little better, with a nod of the chin and a tip of the head...'hey, I know I've seen that guy before'.
Anyway, I thought this was a decent jamming moment for Randy:
And the rest of the guys getting together for some jamming too:
Can't wait for cooler weather in December, when I can spend a little more time there - as it was, after 20 minutes watching them in the direct sun, I had to retreat to the refeshment station on the other side of Canada and grab a drink and a seat in the shade to cool off!
[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]