Randy and the Boys gettin' Off Kilter


Staff member
Finally got a few decent shots of the band...about 10 months too late for the website contest last December! ; ;)

It was somewhat amusing...the park was thin crowds on a hot September day, but the crowd for their show was pretty good. ; I was walking around from side to side to get a good shot or two, and several times Randy was giving me that 'do I know that fat guy or what' look - he probably knew he'd seen me around, but not sure if it was from meeting him or just from being at Epcot a lot (both, actually). ; Tony seemed to do a little better, with a nod of the chin and a tip of the head...'hey, I know I've seen that guy before'.

Anyway, I thought this was a decent jamming moment for Randy:


And the rest of the guys getting together for some jamming too:


Can't wait for cooler weather in December, when I can spend a little more time there - as it was, after 20 minutes watching them in the direct sun, I had to retreat to the refeshment station on the other side of Canada and grab a drink and a seat in the shade to cool off!

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Thanks Kiki. ; It is pretty bad there, isn't it! ; If they're ever negotiating a contract extension, they oughtta try to get a covered roof there! ; It's of course only bad in the summer...which unfortunately in Florida is about 10 months.
I agree, the umbrellas they have setup on some of the benches just don't cut it. ; A cool drink while listening is a must.
Actually, it's always not too bad...UK's beer stand is just a few feet away...so between Canada's Moosehead, Molson, and Labatt's selection, and the UK's Guiness, Harp, and Tennant's selection, there should be plenty of refreshment opportunity for Off Kilter listening!

(Cue the musical selection...how about "Whiskey in a Jar"...one of OK's favorites)
billy knows all of the words to whiskey in the jar, and isn't afraid to belt it out. ; not bad for a 3.5 year old!
Being irish through and through (well, 90% of me), I grew up with those classic folk songs. ; My great grandmother from Tipperary played accordion and sang...and not the happy feminine songs either...so irish folk tunes about drinking and fighting and cursing are in my blood. ; That woman could curse like noone's business...and could drink a few folks under the table too. ; She was so much fun with that Irish lilt. ; Smoked, drank, ate bacon, cursed like a sailor...wouldn't be surprised if she could fight too...and she still made it to 105 years old. ; They don't make us like they used to. ; ;)