Radiator Springs Racers- OPENING DAY

Very nice! ; All from the ride! ; I have watched video of this quite a few times, it will be my only way to ride for a LONG time.
Yes, Tom, we were there in opening day. ; Quite by coincidence but it worked out nicely. ; Look for a bunch of new galleries to be posted very soon. ; I have an awesome night time gallery that I need to post. ; You will love it.
Beautiful! ; I was thinking that the water fall shot needs an ND filter to make that water nice and silky. ; The gallery is awesome though. ; Keep the photos coming, I need to live through you right now my friend.
Wow! ; The whole land looks incredibly detailed. ; I really need to take a trip out there... maybe in 2014?
"mSummers" said:
Wow! ; The whole land looks incredibly detailed. ; I really need to take a trip out there... maybe in 2014?

"ELinder" said:
Neat! Hmm, Pixelmania west cost edition? By next year the crowds may have let up a bit.

Plan it far enough ahead and I'd be there...


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"ELinder" said:
Neat! Hmm, Pixelmania west cost edition? By next year the crowds may have let up a bit.

Actually, that has been loosely discussed/ joked about in the past. ; Logistically it would be a nightmare but it would be hella fun.
Given enough time to schedule it, I'd be up for PixelMania: West Coast Edition. ; Would just need to know dates the November prior to the meet.

And I'd also say maybe shift the days a little and make it a monday/tuesday thru thursday so everyone could fly in over the weekend and fly home on friday/saturday (and readjust to time zones).

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