"rlongenbach" said:Another DO capture, Scott? Nice. (I am renting it for my Feb trip)
(BTW, your Patriots are enroute with a collision course with karma)
"rlongenbach" said:Conf:
#1 Green Bay v Dallas/Tampa, Green Bay wins
"rlongenbach" said:No, Scott, either the Jaguars in the divisional round (this is going to be interesting...Pittsburgh may want to lose their division just to avoid the Jaguars during Wild Card weekend), or the NFC team in the Super Bowl.
And right now I think the road to the NFC is going through Lambeau, not Texas Stadium.
Wild Card:
#3 San Diego v #6 Cleveland
#4 Pittsburgh v #5 Jacksonville
#1 NE v #5 Jacksonville
#2 Indy v #3 San Diego
"gary" said:i think scott needs to lead a tmip portait meet next year at mousefest, maybe mgm during the parade, lots of faces around during that to work it out on
i am weak in portrait, i know this and for some lazy butt reason i still don't buckle down and work on it
"Tim" said:another fantastic portrait, scott. you continue to impress with your portrait work.
"Craig" said:Scott, I'd like to thank you also. All your great portraits inspired me to also try to get more at WDW, which I did in December during mousefest.
"rlongenbach" said:NE better watch out for those Jaguars!