I believed it, at first, because I've always wanted to see the monorails expanded, like the age old rumor that they may one day go to the Swan and Dolphin (which appear to have been designed with removable center sections to make room for the monorail pass-thru).
I'm actually disappointed in myself.. I was actually expecting April Fools this time, but I still let my guard down..
The part about a Disney themed resort and casino started to make me wonder, since they've so far clearly avoided any possible casino operations (like on the cruise ships).. and then the Indiana Jones and the Bloodthisty Lawyers bit finally woke me up.
Although I have to admit that it took me a while. I hate that I'm so gullible, you have to understand.. normally I'm ultra skeptical. I routinely pick apart news stories when I find things that don't sound right to me, I analyze everything.. But somehow stuff like this ALWAYS gets me. For a while the lawyers ride bit just seemed weird, I was puzzled but I didn't immediately realize it was a gag.
As a result of being so gullible I'm not hugely amused by such stuff.. it's not that I lack a sense of humor, just that for some reason I have no defense against this sort of thing so it seems kind of unfair.
Still, I appreciate the amount of work that went into it. You employed the classic con-game principles.. you picked a subject that we wanted to believe was true, the monorail expansion thing. Of course we all want more monorail, so we were willing to believe it. The rational side of my mind was saying "but I thought it cost HUGE amounts of money to construct more monorail track, and they've clearly been on a cost cutting rampage for some time, why would they suddenly expand the monorail now?" but I didn't want to listen to it.
In that way I appreciate it.