those of you that requested t-shirts, the order has been placed (rush job) and they will be delivered to a friend's house in florida while we are there (i hope... )
those of you who are expecting t-shirts:
they were sent out today via us priority mail. please let me know when you get them and be sure to tell others what you think. we need a sea of TMIP at mousefest next year and at the magic meets. thanks again, as always, for your support of TMIP!
For those who didn't yet get a shirt and might want one, please send me a PM or email and I'll get you on the right track...
Tim, now that you have the chimp mascot for the site, would you consider opening a CafePress store with a few different types of shirts, hats, sweatshirts, etc?
Will, I do have a cafepress shop that i really haven't been using very much but i can re-consider the possibility.
Also, the name of the chimp is.... wait for it ..... CHIMP!
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