Four more sleeps! Ahhhh! I have a spreadsheet this time, LOL. I subscribed to the TouringPlans website and am using that to decide which parks to go to which day. It turns out I'm going to be a passholder, so we'll be going in and out of all the parks. I. Can't. Wait! I was playing with my new lens yesterday while my husband and dad were doing some work out in the back yard. I am very pleased with the sharpness. I think I might carry just the new lens and the flash for inside. Maybe the 35mm 1.8 for any portrait work I want to do and the 55-200 for the safari . The minimal focal distance on the new lens is very small. Less than a foot even at 80mm. Here are some samples.
. I'll just have to take more! I can't wait to go to Florida. It's all kind of yucky and rainy here today. And a little cool. High 50's. At Disney it's high 70's and low 80's! It's kind of weird to be packing stuff we aren't wearing right now .
I. Can't. Wait! Tomorrow I'll be in WDW! I've been gathering tricks and treats for waiting in line and snacks in the car and my son doesn't really understand. But we are going to see Mickey! I try to tell him. Tomorrow he will understand .
I'm home! I tell you what, guys. I definitely learned that there is a time and season for everything, even taking pictures at WDW. Or not taking them . I took all my camera gear and didn't get it out a single time. I spent my time instead with my little point and shoot in my pocket and having a serious blast with my family and kids.
One day I went to DHS with just my kids. Awesome! But there was no way I could manage all that camera gear and a 2 year old and a stroller and food and and and. We pre-ordered the photopass cd, so I stopped every time I saw a photographer. I have lots of pictures with ME in them!
I didn't take my monitor calibration system and boy did it need it when I got home, LOL! It looks a lot better now. I think I got some cute shots with my point and shoot. And I had soooooooo much fun. That's what counts, right?
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