POTD ~ Until I'm There Again Part III

John, you must stop at the Poly's lobby. ; It is beautiful. ; However, I need to stop and take some closeups like Amanda has. ; Stunning flower images!

Like the storm over Space Mountain, too. ; Very scary looking in B&W.
Thanks, guys! Whenever I'm stressed my DH will say, why don't you go take some pictures of flowers, LOL. Those clouds over Space Mountain were insane. I took that from a moving vehicle driving around the back side of Magic Kingdom. There is some window glare I didn't clone out in the upper left hand corner. I didn't see the "face" until I converted it to bw. Wild!
We went to the Halloween Party last year (like always). My daughter dressed up as Zero the ghost dog. As we entered the park we met a cast member whose name was Jack. From Christmas Florida. He was fantastic! They sang a song together and he gave her a special Jack pin. I love the magic of WDW!

It's our favorite. We've been many, many times and it never ever gets old :). One year my MIL flew down just for the party!
hey nana, those pics of the poly flower and space mountain b&w i really like. ; well done with those.
Thanks, Doc! This picture is from right next to where I took the last one. My daughter loves anything Dragon, so I had to get this one :). I love the shadows, too.
