POTD - The Magic Kingdom

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Bonnie wee Princess Merida waves at @Scottwdw and me as we stand atop the train station pictured above. The second floor of the station is the only place you can be on eye level with some of characters on the big new floats.

A bonnie wave
If there's one thing people want in Florida, it's a blast in the face from a 1000 degree furnace. Glass blower Charlie gets that warm feeling several times a day in Arribas Brothers' Crystal Arts shop on Main Street.

Staying warm
A contribution to the fledgling Fire-breathing Dragon Fridays...I happened to get one on my trip last week, though it was raining lightly and overcast when I shot it, and honestly I wasn't even there to see the parade - I was trying to cross over to Pirates from the Liberty Belle and got cut off by the parade which was supposed to start at 3pm but was already blocking my path at 2:50pm! (I guess the 3pm is the Main Street arrival time):
Interesting - they must have started the parade early to beat the rain. They call it the three o'clock parade because that's when they step off in Frontierland.
It did come down pretty good just a little while after - when the end of the parade made it past, and I was able to cross the street at Pecos Bill's - by the time I got to the entrance of Pirates, it came down HARD...the parade would have still been crossing from Liberty Square towards the castle, so they probably either went into speed-up mode, or detoured off one of their emergency exits (I've seen some of the parades when they shifted into high-gear to get out of a downpour - it's pretty funny to see them still smiling and dancing, but at double-time.
For some reason, I've never noticed this ghost before - seriously, I've ridden this ride a million times over nearly 40 years! For whatever reason, shooting the ballroom scene, I happened to be looking UP rather than down, and noticed him - so here is my very first shot of the chandelier ghost in 40 years - A6000, 35mm F1.8 at 1.8, ISO12,800:
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