POTD - Self-Portraits

LOL...Exhausting, but fun, eh?

Here's regular me at my best...and the other regular me kissing Nemo. ; I love Nemo. :-*

Hey Boris....sig pics don't count. ; You have to post another one!
Okay, I'm normally behind the camera, but here's a shot (taken by me) of me and my better half. ; You can guess which is which...
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Thank you, Boris. :) ; Come on all you other wonderful TMIP people! ; Where's Craig and Zackiedawg and Mainstreet, and Zeagle, and Tim (well I already know what you look like...but still) and Roger and pretty pixie...and everybody else...

Told ya I've been lurking awhile. :-[ ;
Okay, need some help here guys... tried posting an image from my flicker site. ; used the tag of img and /img with the [] symbols and the image http address in between to no avail. ; any suggestions as to what i am typing wrong?