POTD - Epcot

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"mwjw" said:

Welcome to the boards Mark! ; Looks like this is your first post.

Everyone, I accidentally ran into Mark earlier in the month during a night shoot at MK and we met up later for a evening photo session at DAK. I was totally impressed with his talent and capture of architectural night shots. Check out his work at "MWJW" on Flicker. ; Garry Rollins
Totally AWSOME shot Mark! The exposure and reflection is flawless. ; This photo (along with Michaels posted 1/11) proves the advantage of including an architectural reference in the foreground when shooting fireworks. The structure adds a lot of perspective to the pyro. - ; Garry ;
Strong out of the gate, Mark, and welcome aboard. ; TMIP is definitely raising the stakes now!
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