POTD: Dinosaurs!

From the ride...

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One for today-

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from DC


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from DL....

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"WDWFigment" said:
10 bonus points if you can tell me where this was (is?) without clicking on the picture...

it's from a speedramp ; :D
From the ride..

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On the run...

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Universe of Energy

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This post is in response to Paul's a few up:


The original dinosaur in front of Indiana Jones East Coast, er CTX, er Dinosaur.
My ISO-12800 DPOTD- I need to get Noise Ninja reloaded on my new computer- this is right from the camera. ; :P

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Oh I see how it is around here- I go on vacation for a week and the Dino thread just grinds to a halt. ; ::)

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