Post your silly Mousefest 2008 pictures here


You weren't the only one who's heart skipped a beat when Tim tossed that phone at me. I'm not exactly known for having the hands of a running back
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It happened so fast and everybody was in a state of suspended animation watching it fly through air expecting the worst that nobody moved toward their camera.

Truly one of the most heart-stopping moments of the entire event.
you know people, that's not the worst thing to ever befall a person, some of us are old enough to not only remember a time without cell phones, but to be pretty sure that they have not added much to life's joy, think of it, a whole vacation without hearing from the boss, a whole vacation the subordinates you are supposed to be mentoring really do have to stand on their own and be measured against their achievement, uninterrupted time with the family, OMG, WILL CIVILIZATION SURVIVE???

not to mention the solidarity of a shared wait line, where the only sound is the quiet conversation of fellow humans enjoying sharing their own magical experience, not the stark reality of having to listen to some corporate zombie, trying to close the deal while his little one tries desperately to get dad's attention to point out all the neat poster frames in the splash mountain line, (true experience, sorry to say)

so while i am glad my friend tim did not suffer a financial loss, a smashed cell phone is not the end of the world
this rant sponsored by the technologically ungeek of the world
Very well said, Gary! However, it was the financial loss that was the horrifying factor in the whole scene, not the actual loss of the cell phone. I never turn my on. I use it when I want to make a call then turn it back off, unless there is a very specific reason to leave it on.
I hear ya, Gary.

But I'm with Kiki - the idea of $350 in a brittle plastic case flying through the air is what made me flinch, not the idea of being without my phone for a few days.

I hope those iPhone thingies come with drop insurance!
"gary" said:
some of us are old enough to not only remember a time without cell phones, but to be pretty sure that they have not added much to life's joy, think of it, a whole vacation without hearing from the boss, a whole vacation the subordinates you are supposed to be mentoring really do have to stand on their own and be measured against their achievement, uninterrupted time with the family, OMG, WILL CIVILIZATION SURVIVE???

not to mention the solidarity of a shared wait line, where the only sound is the quiet conversation of fellow humans enjoying sharing their own magical experience, not the stark reality of having to listen to some corporate zombie, trying to close the deal while his little one tries desperately to get dad's attention to point out all the neat poster frames in the splash mountain line

sounds like you are auditioning for "carousel of progress - blue".
"Kiki" said:
It happened so fast and everybody was in a state of suspended animation watching it fly through air expecting the worst that nobody moved toward their camera.

Truly one of the most heart-stopping moments of the entire event.

I know I didn't breathe for a minute! :)
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How about this one?

on second thought i am not so sure about this.... ;)
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Sunday morning I went to the "Girls Ride Out Haunted Mansion" meet sponsored by the Those Darn Cats podcast. The rule was that everyone was welcome, but the ladies rode first. I guess some people will do anything to get to the front of the line.

Look at the expression on the guy in the background. I don't want to know what he's thinking!


Here's the two head cats and their "girlfriend".


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ok, so tim, i guess you won't think my pink trimmed cowboy hat from mousefest 07 is too over the top anymore, will you pardner
"gary" said:
ok, so tim, i guess you won't think my pink trimmed cowboy hat from mousefest 07 is too over the top anymore, will you pardner

Let's see a picture and we'll be the judge of that! :)
it's already public on here, it's a few threads back, i'm in the diamond horseshoe, wearing the hat and chimping