Podcast Awards Nomination


Staff member
It's podcast award nomination time again. We are going for the travel category..

The url is podcast.magicaldefinition.com

Please spread the word and have everyone do a nomination before nomination's
end in about 10 days. Go to www.podcastawards.com and please nomination the MDP for this year's awards.
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If you haven't nominated MDP for the podcast awards today is the last day to do it! Nominations close at 2359 tonight, I think that is 11:59.

If you enjoy the show please head on over to the Podcast Awards website and nominate Magical Definition in the travel category. (Please note only one nomination allowed per email address). We appreciate everyone support of the show. We could have not gotten this far without you!

Please show your support for Nathan, Tim and Jackie!
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Thanks, Gracie, for the attention to this request. Folks, if you haven't already, please we NEED your help!
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