Playing with a full moon


Storm blew through during the morning, and there was a full moon at night. Decided to head to the park to see what turned up.


Nikon D700, 48mm Hand held (on a 24-70, non VR), 1/10 sec @ f/2.8, ISO 3200.
Another, same night:

Because I was handholding these, I had to really drive up the iso which will create bleed on bright objects. I tried bringing up the blacks, but the streak became instantly noticable. But there was no water in the waterfall, and it helped add to the whole moody feeling of the shot, so it's all good.

Nikon d700, 24-70 at 42mm, f/2.8, 1/50 sec, ISO 6400, handheld, monkied a bit with Lightroom.
Nice ideas, and shots...the Matterhorn colors are very cool. ; I love shooting the moon in Disney parks, and have done much the same when the moon is low and it can be paired with some buildings or structures.
And I realized I messed up on the first one - should have waited for the train, huh?

The clouds cleared out shortly after that second one. When there's a bright moon and scattered clouds, pictures become amazing.
A few more:

Moon behind the Astro Orbiter:

And this one was tough. I could see the picture in my mind's eye, but the trees were simply in the way. I was there too late and the ropes were up for the fireworks, so I could not get in any closer. And to bring out any detail in the mountain, I had to overexpose the castle. Resulted in some heavy-handed dodging in Lightroom...

On the way out, I noticed that there was a slight halo around the moon, so I *tried* to capture this one as best as I could:

Need to wait a few more weeks to see if I can catch it again. Hopefully the weather won't be perfect. ; ;)