PIXELMANIA - World Showcase Tour Poll

How interested are you in a photo tour of World Showcase?

  • MUST DO!!

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • DEFINITELY interested

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • MODERATE interest

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • LITTLE interest

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO WAY

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Please make your opinion known in this poll. ; One vote per person; results will be shown after you vote!
This tour will have more time to roam and light to shoot as opposed to last year. ;

There might even be a "special contest" once again this year...
BIG TIME! ; Maybe this time with slightly more time to linger in the world showcases (we got a bit rushed last year and skipped a few). ; Dusk is a great time to start - I might suggest going 'backwards' from the Mexico side first, as the sun sets across the lake and makes for some beautiful shots.
What time do they start herding the last few people out? ; I know I have stayed around for at least 90 minutes after Illuminations ended- wandering around with a tripod- and no one has ever said anything to me.
I will not be able to join you guys, but the following shots were taken after Illuminations was finished. I waited till the park was nearly empty to set up my tripod & no one rushed me along.

I've been there as late as 11pm after the 9pm illuminations (about the same 90 minutes or so) and there was no sign of anyone ushering folks out, and still a few folks lingering behind me. ; I'd imagine you have in the vicinity of 2 hours to empty the parks of the vast majority of people, where they decide it's time to send castmembers through to sweep out the last stragglers.

I've been in AK nearly 2 hours after close...not even leaving the Dawa bar area in Harambe until 1 1/2 hours after...and slow-strolled out. ; The park was basically empty through the Africa section, but when I got to the Discovery area, there were still more people than I expected, and Island Mercantile was still open!
08 mousefest, tim and i have posted a couple of threads and a few shots, all taken well after illuminations, our monorail/lights of winter arch and several laser/pavilion shots were all taken while/after the herd stampeded out
The last time I did this I shot Illuminations right across from the USA pavilion- then went back into the Canada area (out of the way) to shoot some while the bulk of the crowd charged for the parking lot- then I went all the way around the lake in that direction. ; I was cold and tired and quit around 11pm but there were still people in there and nobody ever questioned me at all.

In other parks I have been kind of tailed around by CM's who don't rush you out but make sure you are not walking back into the park. ;
Having done this solo on my last trip, as a group event it would be fun to see everyone's take on the pavilions. ; I'd suggest breaking it up into two sessions...dusk/sunset and after Illuminations.