Pixelmania! - World Showcase Tour (12/4/09)

One more try.

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that is a nice effect on that scene, dr. jim. ; unique. ; how did you remove the main statue from the original pic?
You draw a selection around the part you want out of the frame and then put it on a separate layer. ; Go back to the original layer and use the rectangular selection tool to draw a selection around the part you want in the frame. ; Add a layer mask filled with white. Then add an inside stroke. ; Go back to the layer your first selection is on and add a drop shadow.
That day was truly miserable, in more ways than I care to think about. I didn't have my tripod with me, so in Mexico I wedged my monopod between a hand rail and the wall. It actually worked quite well. I'll have to go back some time and reshoot the warriors, as I didn't get as much focus separation between the rows of statues as I thought I would.



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