Pixelmania! - Walking the Animal Trails (Dec 5)

I think he was having a bad hair day.

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The yawn I caught, from a slightly higher angle:

Before I dump a long tiger post in here, I want to say this was the first time I have ever seen the Malayan Tapir sitting up. Usually, they are in the prone position like something out of the beginning scenes of the movie, 2001.

Great shots Scott!

Here is one of my favorite shots of the tigers. ; This was also shot through the glass.

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What I love about everyone's tiger shots is that all you guys managed to capture great images despite the badly scratched up and smeared Plexiglas windows you have to shoot through
Here are a couple of mine. ; Much thanks to Gary for the lending of the lens!!!! ; :D









crouching tiger/ clubbing swede, or at least the tiger half, 5 bonus points to the first person to tag the reference

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Yep...you went there. ; So many prime joke setups available...tiger beat magazine, irons and woods, swedish meatball, caddie, drivers, fairway, obstruction, birdie...if you just think of all the words or phrases that can be developed into jokes, it's mind boggling!
a little black and white work, i'm trying out some new presets from matt koslowski

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This wasn't taken during Pixelmania, but it was on an animal trail. I spent quite a while watching this little guy. It must have been bath time. He'd paddle furiously to get under the water fall for a few seconds, then let the current push him back under the log. Then paddle furiously to repeat. He must have done it at least 10 times, but I really couldn't get a great shot of him. Anyone see something similar?


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I got a couple other birds besides the golden pheasant and huge maribou...




This was on Kilimanjaro...end of the day ride:
Re: Pixelmania! - Walking the Animal Trails (Dec 5

"ELinder" said:
This wasn't taken during Pixelmania, but it was on an animal trail. I spent quite a while watching this little guy. It must have been bath time. He'd paddle furiously to get under the water fall for a few seconds, then let the current push him back under the log. Then paddle furiously to repeat. He must have done it at least 10 times, but I really couldn't get a great shot of him. Anyone see something similar?


Erich, ; I once saw a duck do something kind of similar at the waterfall in the little garden behind Yakatori House in Japan. ; He would paddle to the waterfall, let the current pull him to the edge, and then just before he went over he would pull himself back up! Crazy Disney birds!