PixelMania Update Newsletter #2


Staff member
Here we go with Pixelmania Newsletter #2.
I know you are all eagerly awaiting some sort of schedule so here is a teaser to get you going...
The park of the day schedule with be as follows:

12/2 ; Disney's Animal Kingdom (night time Extra Magic Hours, "pre-event" meet by the TMIP community)
12/3 ; Magic Kingdom, including Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party (get your tickets now if you still need them)
12/4 ; Epcot, including night time Extra Magic Hours
12/5 ; Disney's Animal Kingdom (and possibly Magic Kingdom Extra Magic Hours)
12/6 ; Disney's Hollywood Studios, including Extra Magic Hours

BREAKING NEWS! ; LensRentals.com is offering a special 5% discount off the cost of a rental for PixelMania! ; Please use the discount code PIXEL5 to claim your discount. ; Thanks to Roger and the team at LensRentals.com for the wonderful and generous offer!

If you are planning on purchasing some Pixelmania! apparel, the finished look and prices will be coming VERY soon.

There is also still time to make donations to Pixelmania! to help defer the costs and guarantee yourself some great PixelMania! and TMIP gear. ; By donating $25 or more (shipping included), you help to offset the cost of the event (and help it get even bigger!) and will get all of the following: ; TMIP lanyard, PixelMania bandpass, TMIP pen, PixelMania and TMIP buttons, entry into a special "donors-only" prize drawing, and more, including a special bonus gift which will help commemorate this event (one special gift per household). ; Donations can be made by sending paypal to sales@themagicinpixels.com - remember this is 100% optional.

For the most up-to-date information and discussions, please be sure to visit the PixelMania! board at The Magic in Pixels Disney Photo Forum

http://www.themagicinpixels.com/forum/h ... .php?f=6.0

Please forward this message to anyone who you feel may benefit from it's content and feel free to post this one your own websites if you like.

All the best to you and your families,

Tim Devine

CURRENT SPONSOR LIST (in alphabetical order)

Destinations in Florida.com ; -- ; http://www.destinationsinflorida.com/

Explore the Magic.com ; -- ; http://www.explorethemagic.com/

Lens Rentals.com ; -- ; http://www.lensrentals.com/

Magic Never Ends Podcast ; -- ; http://www.magicneverends.com/

Maple Leaf Tickets.com ; -- ; http://www.mapleleaftickets.com/

Orlando Vacation.com ; -- ; http://www.orlandovacation.com/

WDW Packages.com ; -- ; http://www.wdwpackages.com/
Awesome! ; Now let's see... 2 ADRs to re-arrange. ; I'll have to work on that this weekend, now where to put Sanaa? ; Maybe on the 3rd since I will be doing MVMCP on the 6th?
Sanaa was very good when we ate there a week ago (and very empty at the time). ; I don't know if it was just the heat or the middle of the week thing, but we walked up with no reservations (and the website states reservations REQUIRED) and were seated within 5 minutes with a window view of the savannah.
Will definitely be there for the 12/3 and 12/4 events, but will have to cut short the days on 12/5 and 12/6 due to the Candlelight Processional and another event. ; Can't wait to get there.
Saturday at the Magic Kingdom is NOT an Extra Magic Hours evening. ; The park is open until 1 am for everyone's enjoyment.

It looks like they've extended all park hours. ; Animal Kingdom is open until 6 pm on Saturday, so if you can't make it for the night photo meet on Wednesday, you still may get some AK night shots!