Hi there, folks, and welcome to the first PixelMania! update newsletter. ; Hope all of your summers were happy and eventful and all is well with all of you!
In case you haven't been paying attention, PixelMania! is just 65 short days away and planning for the event is in full-force. ; Look for some great new announcements coming very soon, including how to get your own PixelMania! t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats, and the official event schedule which is currently in the works.
The official, set-in-stone, date for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party will be Thursday, 12/3. ; Please be sure to get your tickets well in advance so we can all have a great time together during this special hard-ticketed event. ; Not interested in attenting MVMCP? ; Don't worry as members of the TMIP community will be having other side-events so you don't have to feel left out in the dark! ; Speaking of side-events, there is a group of TMIP'ers who are already planning a special "pre-event" on Wednesday, 12/2 which will take advantage of Animal Kingdom's Extra Magic Hours.
There will be a limited number of complementary swag packs and t-shirts available, first come- first served at PixelMania! but if you want to guarantee yourself some great PixelMania! and TMIP gear, dontations and sponsorships are still being accepted. ; By donating $25 or more (shipping included), you help to offset the cost of the event (and help it get even bigger!) and will get all of the following: ; TMIP lanyard, PixelMania bandpass, TMIP pen, PixelMania and TMIP buttons, entry into a special "donors-only" prize drawing, and more, including a special bonus gift which will help commemorate this event (one special gift per household). ; Donations can be made to sales@themagicinpixels.com and are 100% optional. ; If you are interested in sponsoring and being a part of the PixelMania! event, please email me for details.
For the most up-to-date information and discussions, please be sure to visit the PixelMania! board at The Magic in Pixels Disney Photo Forum
http://www.themagicinpixels.com/forum/h ... .php?f=6.0
Please forward this message to anyone who you feel may benefit from it's content and feel free to post this one your own websites if you like.
All the best to you and your families,
Tim Devine
CURRENT SPONSOR LIST (in alphabetical order)
Destinations in Florida.com ; -- ; http://www.destinationsinflorida.com/
Explore the Magic.com ; -- ; http://www.explorethemagic.com/
Lens Rentals.com ; -- ; http://www.lensrentals.com/
Magic Never Ends Podcast ; -- ; http://www.magicneverends.com/
Maple Leaf Tickets.com ; -- ; http://www.mapleleaftickets.com/
Orlando Vacation.com ; -- ; http://www.orlandovacation.com/
WDW Packages.com ; -- ; http://www.wdwpackages.com/
In case you haven't been paying attention, PixelMania! is just 65 short days away and planning for the event is in full-force. ; Look for some great new announcements coming very soon, including how to get your own PixelMania! t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats, and the official event schedule which is currently in the works.
The official, set-in-stone, date for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party will be Thursday, 12/3. ; Please be sure to get your tickets well in advance so we can all have a great time together during this special hard-ticketed event. ; Not interested in attenting MVMCP? ; Don't worry as members of the TMIP community will be having other side-events so you don't have to feel left out in the dark! ; Speaking of side-events, there is a group of TMIP'ers who are already planning a special "pre-event" on Wednesday, 12/2 which will take advantage of Animal Kingdom's Extra Magic Hours.
There will be a limited number of complementary swag packs and t-shirts available, first come- first served at PixelMania! but if you want to guarantee yourself some great PixelMania! and TMIP gear, dontations and sponsorships are still being accepted. ; By donating $25 or more (shipping included), you help to offset the cost of the event (and help it get even bigger!) and will get all of the following: ; TMIP lanyard, PixelMania bandpass, TMIP pen, PixelMania and TMIP buttons, entry into a special "donors-only" prize drawing, and more, including a special bonus gift which will help commemorate this event (one special gift per household). ; Donations can be made to sales@themagicinpixels.com and are 100% optional. ; If you are interested in sponsoring and being a part of the PixelMania! event, please email me for details.
For the most up-to-date information and discussions, please be sure to visit the PixelMania! board at The Magic in Pixels Disney Photo Forum
http://www.themagicinpixels.com/forum/h ... .php?f=6.0
Please forward this message to anyone who you feel may benefit from it's content and feel free to post this one your own websites if you like.
All the best to you and your families,
Tim Devine
CURRENT SPONSOR LIST (in alphabetical order)
Destinations in Florida.com ; -- ; http://www.destinationsinflorida.com/
Explore the Magic.com ; -- ; http://www.explorethemagic.com/
Lens Rentals.com ; -- ; http://www.lensrentals.com/
Magic Never Ends Podcast ; -- ; http://www.magicneverends.com/
Maple Leaf Tickets.com ; -- ; http://www.mapleleaftickets.com/
Orlando Vacation.com ; -- ; http://www.orlandovacation.com/
WDW Packages.com ; -- ; http://www.wdwpackages.com/