Pixelmania! - Pre-Event Meet (12/2/09)

I gave up on trying an HDR- from one frame-

Very cool! ; The tree shot against the sky is great. ; and I like the windy HDR - it's unique...long exposures in the wind generally get ruined, but sometimes it can add a funky element to the shot.
Jeff, ; the colors on your Tree of Life photo are amazing. ; What equipment did you use and how did you get the colors so sharp at that time of evening?

I'm finally starting to work my way through the 5400 shots I took during my two-week trip to the World. ; Here are a few from the AK night meet.

Click on the photos to go to their respective Flickr pages.
Nice work Dennis! I like the first TOL pic the best.

5400 shots!!! wow... Think that I had just over a 1000 for the week. Looking forward to seeing more of your pictures.

"ddindy" said:
I'm finally starting to work my way through the 5400 shots I took during my two-week trip to the World. ; Here are a few from the AK night meet.
3862 made the trip home on cards, now down to probably slightly over half that, culling and processing continue daily
I did a lot of three-shot brackets at night, so of the 5400 there are probably closer to 3000 unique shots. ; Next time I need to work on quality over quantity.
I think this is probably the best shot I got during the pre-event meet.


[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
Beautiful shot! ; I came home with about 2200 shots, and have narrowed it down to about 970. ; Some of those could probably go also, but there is either a story behind it, or it's not that bad.
Whew! ; I thought I shot a ton, but apparently don't shoot nearly as many as most. ; I came home with 940 shots, not deleting any during the trip. ; Got rid of about 100 or so that were junked, then distilled down to 300 or so for slideshowing, and further culled down to about 90 to upload.