Pixelmania! - Point & Shoot


Even though the P&S meet technically was rained out, we still were able to get some photography in. ; These resulted from our decision to head for breakfast at Coral Reef, except Coral Reef hasn't had breakfast in over 10 years apparently. ; But hey, the place was open and we took advantage of the situation to grab some shots inside the restaurant with the blessing of a couple of cast members.

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
Paul (and others who post photos to this thread), could you say what camera you were using, please? ; I think people would be interested. ; Thanks!

I really like these, Paul! ; Great work with a small sensor.
i think most of us just used the dslr's since only a few peeps showed up.