Pixelmania! - Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show (12/6/09)

The other shots are much better than I could ever get with my DSLR. ; Anyway, here are a couple of my favorites...
...A Little Jump
you did a nice job hanging with all of the big cameras, red. ; don't sell yourself short.
Re: Pixelmania! - Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme

"It's not the size of the camera that matters, it's how long you can hold the shutter open."...
Here are my favorites from the show.



a fraction of a second from perfect timing.

jeff, your finale shot is right on the money. ; that's one of your best ones yet.
Nice stuff guys! ; I finally managed to get sorted through all mine - from the original 1000 shots down to 680 after getting rid of duplicates from burst modes and such, down to 300 worthy of slideshow for family, and that group down to 180 to upload to my gallery online. ; Phew! ; I've got a few from this show too - gotta get them posted here tomorrow evening.

It was a great time...and you couldn't have done much better for seats, thanks to Tim and DHS's Bob!
Great shots guys... ; I was a fraction of a second early as well, but I blame that on the E-P1's 3fps burst when I'm used to 8 ; ;D

Tim, the vertical crop is excellent. ; I'm not a huge fan of the ultra-wide in this instance. ; It just seems like there is too much wasted space around the subject. ; Not saying I don't like the shot, just the vertical does it for me here.
One other thing, the lines on the control booth serve as great leading lines in the composition. ; Not that the subject needs anymore attention, but the leading lines certainly don't hurt. ; And the reflection is the icing on the cake. ; Fantastic job. ; I hope you do this again next year and I wish I could have made it!
Yeah, I wasn't disappointed with them, just would have liked the car a little bit more centered in the fire. ; Oh well, there is always next year. ;)
Tim was dead center as I am sure he had that reflection shot in mind. ; I kept creeping over on him. ; I'm surprised I wasn't in any of his shots. ; ;D
Pixelmania! - Some of my "LightsMotorsAction" action

Here's some of my catches during the LMA show from the awesome front-and-center seats:






A little 'burst mode' action:




Finale shots up close:


Here are a few of mine:

The famous backwards jump

Skimming across the produce truck

The grand finale

Clicking on the photos takes you to their Flickr pages.
Karen and Justin saying they can't believe where they are going to be sitting for the show (or something like that).

Jeff checking the sight lines before the start of the show.

One of the chase scenes. Time for this Hero car to get some body work done.

Motorcycle chase.

Motorcycle jump.

Watercraft pan.

Wipe out! Another shot I always wanted to get but never had good enough seats. ; Thanks, again, Tim!

End Credits.
Excellent shots, Dennis. ; I tried to get zoomed in shots of the jumps but missed them. ; You can't tell which directing my backwards car jump is going with out the timestamp. LOL ; You got some directional blur. ; Nice job!