Pixelmania 2k10 Schedule!

Just a few minor details:
Liberty Belle: ; the period at the end of the paragraph after the exclamation point is unnecessary.
Simple rules: ; Cognizant is misspelled.
Crescent Lake tour: ; Around is spelled arpund.
December 5 is not followed by ", 2010".
I know there's not a lot of space, but specific meeting spots for the last three DAK meets would be nice.
It may just be the font, but the character between the day of the month and the year looks like a period, not a comma, as in "December 3. 2010".
nice and loose on the scheduling, so all we tim handlers have to do is herd him along so he makes the meet times. of course being a tim handler is like herding cats at times
Can't wait to get down there. ; I like that there is a tentative early ending on sunday that will allow me to unwind and pack that last night (rather than being out until 11pm and flying out at 6am and yes, I know... I can sleep on the plane!)

And Tim, I like the new avatar Image on your profile.
I've been looking at Steve Soares' WDW entertainment schedule, and some changes have been made that may affect our meets (and your planning in general):

Most of the Main Street shows/parades/musicians in the Magic Kingdom will not happen Thursday/Friday/Saturday due to the Christmas parade filming. ; Also, the 3:00 parade starts at 5 pm in Frontierland instead of 3 pm at Town Square on those days.
Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party parades are at 8:15 and 10:30 and fireworks are at 9:30.

Off Kilter does not play on Friday or Saturday. ; Bad news for the paparazzi meet.

Lights Motors Action starts at 1:20, so we'll want to meet before the 1 pm meetup time.
Indiana Jones starts at 4:15, so 3:30 is plenty early to meet up and join the Reunion crowd.

Festival of the Lion King starts at 12 noon on Sunday, so the 11:30 meet time works. ; Finding Nemo starts at 4:45; the 3:30 meetup time may be a bit early.

If following @tmip on Twitter still the best way to learn about last-minute changes?
Off kilter is 7 days a week unless something has changed in the last week. ; They have subs that fill in when the main guys have days off. ;

(from my htc incredible)
I sincerely hope you're right. ; They were Sunday-Thursday when I was there in November. ; I plan on stopping by on Wednesday afternoon to check the schedule.
Unfortunately Dennis you are correct, straight from Randy's mouth. ; Thanks for the heads up. ; I will make the necessary modification. ;

(from my htc incredible)