Pirates of the Caribbean

nice crisp shots, and i see you chose to leave in the red lighting. disney sure does love red gels. i can never decide if if i should color correct or leave as it actually is. sometimes i fool around with the color because i would like the detail and colorful costumes to be more upfront
Nice shots Wolf...nice and sharp and some good details. ; I actually forgot how the 50mm perspective lets you get some character closeups - I switched from using a 50mm to a 30mm for that wider perspective, and rarely think to go back and use the 50.

nice crisp shots, and i see you chose to leave in the red lighting. disney sure does love red gels. i can never decide if if i should color correct or leave as it actually is.[/size]

[/size]I've had the same dilemma, but in the end I tend to still favor leaving the red in. ; Funny thing is...whenever I see someone's converted RAW shots where they corrected the white balance to technical perfection, the first thing I think is 'wow! Look at those costume colors and that detail!', and the second thing I think is 'But I've never seen that on the ride, because everything on the ride has that red cast'. ; So despite the bold pretty colors of perfect white balance, it just doesn't jive with what I see with my eyes when I go on the ride, and I tend to like having the photos replicate the memory and experience of the ride in real life. ; I do the same in Haunted Mansion where the lighting is heavily blue - the corrected shots sometimes look stunning, but don't look like the ride does to me. ; White balance is always a tricky subject to me - don't correct at all, correct some cast but leave it as you saw it, or correct it to a technical measurement of accuracy...different people like different approaches, and none is really 'wrong' - so I guess it should be left to the artist to show it how they want it to look!
"gary" said:
nice crisp shots, and i see you chose to leave in the red lighting. disney sure does love red gels. i can never decide if if i should color correct or leave as it actually is. sometimes i fool around with the color because i would like the detail and colorful costumes to be more upfront

Thanks Gary! ; I chose to keep the red in there, well because..... I have no idea how to color correct. ; I only use Elements and really learning each time I use it. ; A new computer and maybe a more powerful software might be in my future. ; Time will tell.
"zackiedawg" said:
Nice shots Wolf...nice and sharp and some good details. ; I actually forgot how the 50mm perspective lets you get some character closeups - I switched from using a 50mm to a 30mm for that wider perspective, and rarely think to go back and use the 50.

Thanks Justin! ; Funny, I was looking at getting a 30mm or 35mm 1.8 to get a more wide view.
Nice shots John....as as far as the color, I have used both approaches and like both. Whatever makes you happy, each have their uses.
Nice work John! All sharp and that Captain Jack shot is exposed very nicely. I sometimes try to get the background a bit brighter but I either end up with noise or blur. From looking at yours and others, I think the best results are achieved when the main subject is properly exposed and the shadows are allowed to fall to pure black.
"ExploringWDW" said:
Nice work John! All sharp and that Captain Jack shot is exposed very nicely. I sometimes try to get the background a bit brighter but I either end up with noise or blur. From looking at yours and others, I think the best results are achieved when the main subject is properly exposed and the shadows are allowed to fall to pure black.

Thanks Dave!