orient point lighthouse


taken from the new london/orient point ferry today while returning from new hampshire, louden nextel cup race
not bad image quality from the 70-300 f/4.5-5.6 IS, another lens i did not have high hopes for on the 5d
a little saturation,contrast and sharpening boost during conversion, using breezebrowser pro conversion software
resized in photoshop for the web, nothing else added or done
i'm pretty sure this lens will be making the trip to mousefest

and i'm pretty sure those two dots are out of focus birds, there are a lot of them hanging by the light and flying around this time of year, they are waiting for a bluefish blitz to come through so they can scoop up the pieces of chewed up baitfish
not dirt on the sensor

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the dots are sensor goobers... time to clean that bad boy. higher apertures (f/4, f/5.6) they won't show up as much but stop down a bit and boy do they show up. photoshop will fix them instantly too but its a lot of work to do on many many photos.

great show, btw. one minor critique... i would have a bit less water at the bottom to have a little more sky at the top but that's my opinion. i do like the scene though.
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actually i sort of thought about the framing, and was concentrating more on the rule of thirds, then said, oh well, i want the focus on the lighthouse, i'm shooting from a moving boat, i'm racked out to 300, i haven't got any more lens available, so i went for this shot, although more sky would also have moved the distant shoreline, (connecticut), off of center and into a rule of thirds composition
i'll give it another try on next ferry trip, i'm back and forth up to 30 times a year
and this was f/8, i was hoping you wouldn't say that about sensor goobers, now it's time to be brave, suck it up and get the visible dust kit and learn to clean that baby
and a little handheld connecticut shoreline, 17-40 f/4.0 L, i am really starting to like this lens for landscape on the 5d, and i just love the 5d colors,
all i did was add some sharpness, and a smidge of saturation, and resize during conversion

AND, i bit the bullet today and ordered a 24-105 f/4 L IS, i was going to wait, rent it for my neices wedding in oct, and rent again maybe for mousefest, but with the price having dropped just since i ordered my 5d, by the time i did 2 two week rentals with shipping and insurance, i would have been 1/4 into ownership, on a lens that i've seen too many great photos from and have heard from too many happy 5d owners that this is just about the most perfect vacation/walkaround combo there is, so i paid for expedited shipping, i'll be heading out 9/28 for a week of camping, stock car racing, both asphalt and dirt and putting lens and camera through the paces, maybe along the helderberg escarpment, near thatcher state park, while visiting friends in the albany area, try for some fall colors, that should be a good test for this combo

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