OMG - the lines!


Staff member
The CompUSA line was around the entire building. It took me over 80 minutes in line but I got the Ultra II that I wanted. Didn't get the Motorola bluetooth headset (free after rebate) tho'.

The shelves were gone with the Ultra IIs but a brief wait got more stock.
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i'm going to staples right now for some CF's and possibly an external hard drive, maybe even a dual layer dvd burner....
wish me luck.. :)
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Re: OMG - the lines!, brawl in the mall

0540, maybe 60 people on line at staples, 0600 store opens, tv's and flat screen monitors all gone, via tickets handed out online, floor person tells me i have to wait on line for customer service for ultra cf's, 0610 stock runner turns out to be retired job, i was his sgt at one time, he does me a solid and gets me 2 sandisk ultra ii 2gb cards, wanted 4 but limit is 2 and they were last 2 in store, 0620 almost brawl in the mall around me over who was in line, one young man decided to attempt to double up the line and bull his way in with a cart, lady behind me just stepped to his face, wisely he backed down. 0630 cashier starts losing her grip on things, threatens to quit, but not before ringing me up, i escape with my cf's, an additional 1 gb sandisk, older type but price was only $14.00 so it's cool, and a 50 pack of dvd's for $9.00, home at 0650, not bad since store is only 5 miles from home
viewing this on 32" westinghouse hd tv now turned into pc monitor, picked up 2 days ago, i was the nurse for the security head of a chain electronics store near me last year , found out i was retired job, like him, gave me his card and really does me good on large electronics so no need to tussle at 0500 for this item. all in all not a bad black friday, but certainly not something i look forward to repeating
ok, back.
got a 400gb external HD, only one 2gb CF (last one so they say), pack of dvd-r's, and little sumptin' for the mother in law. staples in absecon, nj. crowded, but not that bad...everyone friendly and joking their way thru the commotion.

now for some coffee and dunkin donuts...
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sounds like more fun than my day, you have to read the small print, way over in the left side of page 3 of the staples flyer, where it mentions right to limit quantities,once stock is gone tough luck, no rainchecks, etc.
may stop in later see if any external hard drives are left, using 4 internal 200gb drives right now, not raid array but not bad way to go, os on 1 drive, photo programs on 1, photos only on another, misc junk and games on 4th, keeps photos seperate and hopefully safe from system crash or virus
I did black friday with a cousin who was looking to pick up an ultra cheap laptop. Unfortunately we were woefully unprepared for the lines, we were out maybe 15 minutes before the store opened and were far back in line. By the time we were in there was a huge line to even find out if they had any left. What a joke. This was at Best Buy. We couldn't find out where anything was supposed to be, there was a monitor that someone said you had to wait in the checkout line to find, yet I saw no sign of merchendise stacks in the checkout line (which snaked all through the store, the end of the line was marked by an employee holding a bunch of balloons, so you could find it from a long ways away).
However I picked up a pair of games at half the normal price, and a DVD that was $10, and waited maybe 15-20 minutes in the checkout line. By the time I left they had a signboard saying that the wait for the checkout line was an hour!
My cousin went on to an Office Max while I was waiting in line at BB, and they were out of good laptops too. He found a monitor he liked, but I talked him out of it because it had a weird resolution that I was afraid would cause him problems in games (which can often support only certain standard resolutions). By that time the sun was beginning to rise (keep in mind I'm normally a night person, I typically go to bed as the sun is beginning to rise, I was operating on maybe 2 hours of sleep) and we travelled on to Staples. I had forgotten my sunglasses, because it was dark when we left and I just didn't think about it. My eyes are rather sensitive to bright light (I've been accused of being a vampire), so I spent half the drive with my hands over my closed eyes.. Yes, my cousin was driving.
Staples came through on the CF card, a helpful employee checked on them and came back with a card after saying she thought they were out. She then directed me to a side checkout line that was far shorter than their main one.

I found everything I was looking for. Only one 2 gig card, but I really only needed one. I have one 2 of them now, plus three 1 gig cards. I think that's more than I've ever managed to fill on any one excursion. That's almost more than I shot on my last three Disney trips combined. I wasn't looking to get more cards, but the higher density issue made me pick it up anyway, if nothing else it means I have to change cards less. The two two gig cards are probably all I need now, although they're overkill for many occasions.

The day ended up being a massive shopping day, despite the massive lines and traffic foulups. All of the rest of it in vain, my cousin wanted a laptop but we couldn't find a single one that met his needs or price requirements. He's getting a Dell now, perhaps pursuaded by my monster 17 inch Dell laptop. Anyway, by the end of the day I'd been awake 21 hours operating on two hours of sleep, plus a nap. Not all shopping, I would have lost my sanity if I did that all day, but I call it a hallucinagenic day. By the end I was thinking that the beginning of the day had happened the previous day, because of how long ago it felt.

It was an experience. I'm not eager to do it again.. but picking up even just one ultra cheap ultra II plus some cheap games and such was worth it.

It was annoying.. but in a weird way (or maybe this is the lack of sleep talking) it was hilarious to be waiting in a checkout line at Best Buy that took me through nearly the entire DVD section and around the camera area. By the time I left it literally had circled around the entire store, in addition to the doubling back through the multiple DVD rows. Even when the end of line was out of sight, I could still see those helium balloons that the person marking the end of the line was holding. In a way it was an ingenious operation.

Circuit City was outrageous though. To just find out if they had a monitor in stock that was on display we were expected to wait in a massive line. Best Buy at least had their monitors on the shelves so you could look. They required you to wait to find out about the condition of the super discounted items, but their normal stock was still on display like normal. This was a normal monitor though, that was on a "normal" sale.. not an insane limited quantity deal to try to draw people in for things that they're never going to get.

I found out that they even get special versions of hardware to sell just for Black Friday. There was a mark of Toshiba Laptop, one of the deals we were looking for, that recieved a different name for the Black Friday sale. I couldn't find any details on it online, I later found out that was because the name was changed. I think I found the same thing for a Samsung monitor, I later found what looked like the same thing at a different Best Buy, but the name was different and it cost a lot more, even though the specs looked identical.
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