Official Twinned Town Plaque



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A plaque commemorating the United Kingdom Pavilion being officially named a Twin Town of Swindon, Wiltshire, U.K.

Official Twinned Town
Swindon, Wiltshire, U.K.
The Walt Disney World Resort
Sharing The Magic
Cool...never noticed that one! ; I need to take the time to read those plaques more often - I guess I'm always the jaded 'Disney expert' having been there so often that I figure I know everything...yet I miss little details like that sometimes!

Of course, obscure side reference - whenever I hear of the town of Swindon, I instantly flash back to an Eddie Izzard comedy routine. ; :)
1, Thats a nice photo
2, Swindon was twined with the Magic Kingdom so why have the plaque in Epcot
3, I just wonder if there is a plaque in Swinon saying the reverse