"Now you go ahead, Mr. Brady..."


Staff member
I wonder if this fellow would have been a TMIP'er at heart !!??

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good catch Tim. It looks like the inspiration for Jack Jack's fire in the new Pixar parade at Walt Disney's Californian Adventure.
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i wonder if he worries about crop factor, f/stop, or photoshop ;)
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I can see the Far Side cartoon now....

"Little did anyone know, but Ansel Adams' secret lay in the fact that he was in fact the beta tester for Photoshop v0.9 which used punch cards to assist in his darkroom"
Ahh retro tech. I love the cover removed from the lens doing the job of what we use shutters for now. Reminds me of the pinhole camera that I made for a photo class, it used a piece of black electrical tape instead I believe.
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I need a camera that will focus reliably and will be in focus on the sensor when the viewfinder is in focus. I have lost count of how many rating "9"s I've done with A2 from my Feb trip.

Canon's post of March 5 was just the icing on the cake. So right now I'm gearless. The Edsel is enroute to Irvine for repair attempt #3 ,and the rest of my gear is in enroute to the probable purchaser, who will take the Edsel after it comes back. Now I'll have to see what the final quote comes back at, but the initial offer was something I couldn't refuse in order to move on. It's hard to leave after ten years (more if you count the fact I began 35mm with my dad's Canon FtB), but it's time to move on.

And risk a bad lens mount on some current model camera. ;)

Oh and today's rumors of the 5DII being announced next month because Cologne is going to see the 1DMkIV or 1DV or whatever new name their sports FF will have will be announced with a 2009 availability DOES NOT change anything.
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