nik silver plug in pic

"Roger" said:
Craig is like me, a member of the PSP Mafia.

So like he mentioned, it isn't standalone. Unless he goes back to using PSP, but I think he likes ACDSee's Photo Editor.

yep, I'm pretty much stuck on acdsee pro and acdsee photo editor for some stuff.
I'm now using bibble a lot to, and only bibble for raw.

havent started photo pro in monthes and never upgraded to the new version.
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"mSummers" said:
Ok, time for a stupid question... What's the PSP Mafia?

Those Windows users who never liked or wanted to use Photoshop; so we founded the PSP Mafia.
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so i'm another one trying out the nik silver plug in, this is the golf course from the sassagoula river ferry heading to old key west, antique plate 1 setting, i really like this plug in, this may end up as a purchase

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