Night Monorails

Nice article Scott. ; Something to try when I am down there in March. ; Could you try setting the exposure for the background first, without a flash, ; then add the flash and adjust the flash exposure to get what you want for the monorail?
"haunteddoc" said:
Nice article Scott. ; Something to try when I am down there in March. ; Could you try setting the exposure for the background first, without a flash, ; then add the flash and adjust the flash exposure to get what you want for the monorail?

You could do that but try and get the fastest shutter you can when you do which will probably mean raising the ISO. ; Seems everyone liked the first photo so I did a I little more work on it. ; This was taken at 1/30th of a second. ; All other settings are the same (f/5, ISO 3200, EV 0, 82mm FL, rear-sync flash a full power):

Thanks, Tim. ; I think people don't like the long headlight streak so they went with the shorter shutter speed. ; I will try this again at higher ISO's and faster shutter speeds in the future.
That headlight streak didn't bother me one bit. ; Matter of fact I like it. ;