New members - Getting to Know you?

Hi all! I am new here :) Here is my questions/answers.
  1. What's your first name? Dawn
  2. Do you have a nickname? Dawnie/Mom
  3. What area of the world do you call home? The beautiful Pacific Northwest Washington
  4. How did you find wdw360? Surfing around the net.
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? I have always loved Disney, but since talking my husband into flying for the first time (since a traumatic flight he had as a kid) in 2011 we are hooked :)
  6. Marital status? Married
  7. Occupation? Wife and mom
  8. Favorite food? I am pretty flexible, I like to eat :)
  9. Which Disney park is your favorite? Disneyland, CA
  10. Who is your favorite character in a Disney? Donald Duck
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? As often as finances will allow.
Hey, I didn't see this thread when I registered!!
  1. What's your first name? Isabela
  2. Do you have a nickname? Isa
  3. What area of the world do you call home? Sao Paulo, Brazil!
  4. How did you find wdw360? at Postloop
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? At 0 years old? I can't remember, ever since I can remember I knew the songs The Lion King, the lyrics to Hakuna Matata and watched the Lady and the Tramp video tape back to back over and over again. My mom says that movie was the only one she ever memorized lines from!
  6. Marital status? Single...
  7. Occupation? Marketing Analyst
  8. Favorite food? Sushi and burrito (not together, of course... o_O)
  9. Which Disney park is your favorite? I only ever been to Disneyland, so it's my favorite by default.
  10. Who is your favorite character in a Disney? tough one!! Probably Pumba
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? Only been there twice, but I plan on going to Disney World for the first time next year!!
  1. What's your first name? Maureen
  2. Do you have a nickname? Reen
  3. What area of the world do you call home? Rhode Island
  4. How did you find wdw360? I met Tim at Pixelmania 2013 and he directed me to the old site. Then I came here from the old site.
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? Many, many years ago!
  6. Marital status? Married
  7. Occupation? Teacher (5th grade)
  8. Favorite food? Fruit (especially any type of berries)
  9. Which Disney park is your favorite? Epcot
  10. Who is your favorite character in a Disney? Love Tink and Mike Wazowski
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? as often as I can. I try for once or twice a year but that doesn't always happen.
  1. What's your first name? Wayne
  2. Do you have a nickname?
  3. What area of the world do you call home? Jersey, Channel Islands,UK
  4. How did you find wdw360? Facebook/Disney Blog
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? 7
  6. Marital status? Married
  7. Occupation? Road repair
  8. Favorite food? Just about everything
  9. Which Disney park is your favourite? all of them
  10. Who is your favourite character in a Disney? Mickey Mouse
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? when i have the money. Last time I went was 2000, but we are going this year( yay)
  1. What's your first name? uhm, just call me g2
  2. Do you have a nickname? see above answer ;)
  3. What area of the world do you call home? Philippines
  4. How did you find wdw360? bouncing around the net :)
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? Not sure... I do remember snow white as the earliest disney movie I watched
  6. Marital status? married
  7. Occupation? bouncing around the net :)
  8. Favorite food? sushi :)
  9. Which Disney park is your favorite? Disneyland Hong Kong because it's the nearest I could go to...
  10. Who is your favorite character in a Disney? dory from finding nemo
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? haven't been yet since the nearest to our place is in another country... but we are saving up for that trip :)
  1. What's your first name? Terry
  2. Do you have a nickname? T
  3. What area of the world do you call home? Virginia
  4. How did you find wdw360? Stumbled upon it online
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? 9, when my aunt took me on a trip to Disney Land in Florida - best childhood memory ever!
  6. Marital status? Long term relationship
  7. Occupation? Aspiring artist
  8. Favorite food? Pizza
  9. Which Disney park is your favorite? The one in Orlando Florida
  10. Who is your favorite character in a Disney? Sebastian (Little Mermaid)
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? Not enough - currently planning a trip with my daughter.
  1. What's your first name? Malia
  2. Do you have a nickname? Yes its Lee
  3. What area of the world do you call home? North America :P
  4. How did you find wdw360? Google?
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? When I was 9 years old!
  6. Marital status? Never Married!
  7. Occupation? Student
  8. Favorite food? Pizza
  9. Which Disney park is your favorite? WDW
  10. Who is your favorite character in a Disney? Mini Mouse !
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? I've been twice
Hi Sean, nice to meet you! I joined here not too long ago and am having fun discussing our favorite Disney films and any other topic related to Disney. I'm a 20 year old college student and it's nice to chill out here and talk about something that I've loved since I was a little kid.
  1. What's your first name? I'm Kay!
  2. Do you have a nickname? Some people call me Krissy, but I prefer Kay.
  3. What area of the world do you call home? The United States.
  4. How did you find wdw360? Googled it!
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? I can't even remember...whenever my parents showed me The Little Mermaid!
  6. Marital status? Married
  7. Occupation? Part-time office assistant and student!
  8. Favorite food? Pasta!
  9. Which Disney park is your favorite? Disneyland, CA
  10. Who is your favorite character in a Disney? I love Megara from Hercules (obviously :))
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? I've been to both parks in the US and I want to make a trip to Disney World soon!
  • What's your first name? Edward
  • Do you have a nickname? Nah.
  • What area of the world do you call home? CA.
  • How did you find wdw360? Looking for Disney websites!
  • At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? Before I was born! I swear!
  • Marital status? Happily Single.
  • Occupation? Student.
  • Favorite food? Chinese!
  • Which Disney park is your favorite? WDW.
  • Who is your favorite character in a Disney? Goofy.
  • How often do you take a trip to Disney? Not very often unfortunately.
  1. What's your first name? Tom
  2. Do you have a nickname? Nope
  3. What area of the world do you call home? VA
  4. How did you find wdw360? Google
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? 5
  6. Marital status? Married
  7. Occupation? IT
  8. Favorite food? Pizza
  9. Which Disney park is your favorite? WDW
  10. Who is your favorite character in a Disney? Roger Rabbit
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? Once a year.
  1. What's your first name? Kyle
  2. Do you have a nickname? No
  3. What area of the world do you call home? Milwaukee, WI
  4. How did you find wdw360? postloop
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? very young like the age of 5 or 6
  6. Marital status? In a relationship
  7. Occupation? student
  8. Favorite food? pizza
  9. Which Disney park is your favorite? Disney World
  10. Who is your favorite character in a Disney? Mickey
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? once a year
  • What's your first name? LaKiya
  • Do you have a nickname? Pooh
  • What area of the world do you call home? Virginia
  • How did you find wdw360? Postloop
  • At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? 16
  • Marital status? Single
  • Occupation? Student
  • Favorite food? Hot Wings, Pizza, Cheese steaks, Cheese Fries, Chili Cheese Fries, Hoagies, Cant decide.
  • Which Disney park is your favorite? Magic Kingdom or Disney Quest if that counts
  • Who is your favorite character in a Disney? Mary Margaret/Snow White from Once Upon a Time and Giselle from Enchanted
  • How often do you take a trip to Disney? Most of our family vacations have been to Florida. We always do at least one disney park when we go. This year is the 21st anniversary of the first time we went.
  1. What's your first name? Mishelle
  2. Do you have a nickname? Nope
  3. What area of the world do you call home? California!
  4. How did you find wdw360? I found it the search engine Bing, just browsing the internet.
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? When I was really young. I can't even remember.
  6. Marital status? Single.
  7. Occupation? No job currently.
  8. Favorite food? Orange chicken from Panda Express. I know it isn't 'real' Chinese food but I love it.
  9. Which Disney park is your favorite? I don't think I can decide.
  10. Who is your favorite character in Disney? Mickey.
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? I've only gotten to go perhaps two or three times but I like discussing the movies.
  1. My first name is Kayla
  2. My nickname is Tootie. (Not for reasons you may think)
  3. America is my homeland
  4. I located This particular place with a site that I am using but will name for reasons beyond my power to share.
  5. At the very tender age of 5
  6. I am not married, I am single
  7. I am currently unemployed
    I love Fried Green Tomatoes
  8. I like Magic Kingdom more so then any other park
  9. Most definitely Simba is my pride and Joy
  10. I have only been to Disney once
  1. What's your first name? Mandy
  2. Do you have a nickname? Eh, just Mandy. (Actually my name's Amanda, but pretty much everyone just calls me Mandy.)
  3. What area of the world do you call home? Texas!!
  4. How did you find wdw360? From my friend
  5. At what age did you get bitten with the Disney Bug? Since I was born, really. Some of my earliest memories include watching Disney movies with my family.
  6. Marital status? Single
  7. Occupation? Student
  8. Favorite food? Pizza
  9. Which Disney park is your favorite? I've only been to Disneyland so far.
  10. Who is your favorite character in a Disney? Basically all the princesses. I can never quite decide on one.
  11. How often do you take a trip to Disney? I used to go once every few years when I lived in California, but now that I'm out in Texas, I probably won't be able to do so as often.