New Guitar!


As some of you know, Ive been working with Randy Holbrook for the past year doing some photography and helping him develop his website ( Its just about to undergo a bit of an update, but weve been waiting on the arrival of his new guitar that was being custom made for him by Southeast Guitars ( He just got it last week and here are the first pictures of it! The man who built it, Warren Parker, delivered it in person to Randy at the Off Kilter ( stage at the Canada Pavilion at Walt Disney Worlds Epcot!

It was quite a day thanks to the near monsoon we were having. The first 2 sets were called due to the downpour and we all got soaked, but when the music finally started - after the rain stopped - that guitar blasted off and never quit! I wish I had a music file to link to. It was amazing, and Randy was amazing, too! We will be adding music and video files to his website when the update is done.

For the guitar guys, heres what it has:

Ribbon Mahogany body
Bookmatched Waterfall Bubinga veneer top
Neck: Flame maple with ebony fret board
EMG 89 Humbucker pick-ups
Kahler tremolo bridge
EMG EQ system and pre-amp with a custom designed on/off bypass that can act as a preset
18 volt system
Sculpted front and back
Scoop on the lower horn
2 push/pull volume knobs that split the coils on the pick-ups
24 scale
24 frets with RH inlaid in mother-of-pearl on the 12th fret
GHS Custom Shop strings
Floyd Rose locking nut
Clear coat by Mean Street

What do you think?

Sorry I've MIA for so long...every time Randy and I get together it seems there are a couple hundred pictures to process and I'm always playing catch-up.



Really Really nice shots KiKi. ; I especially like the first one, the hands are captured perfectly, making that guitar sing!
Love the pics, Kiki. ; I am sure the TMIPers at Pixelmania will have a field day shooting this piece of art!