My first look and shots at the HM queue


Staff member
I liked it. ; I thought the new queue adds a little fun or interest to the long line, and I also like how they maintain an option to either see the new cemetary walkthrough or shortcut it and go straight in once you have seen it enough.

I had my NEX with me that day, and took the queue shots with it - it was very crowded so I didn't have too many opportunities to shoot the queue stuff without people in the shot, and with little time to compose as people crowded in to move the line. ; Here's a few shots of the queue:

The family busts:


The Ravenscroft organ:

Master Gracey's new resting spot:

Captain Culpepper Clyne:
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I love that new section of the line, and the option to use it or not. ; I had a lot of fun in it with my son. ; Could prove to be interesting with the group in October.
Thanks guys. ; I think it's a nice addition indeed. ; Part of me was a little worried with messing with the original, but I think it was a good modernization and upgrade.
Nice shots Justin! ; Can't wait to see it in October. ; I'm glad they have the bypass so we can still experience the older version of the queue if we want to.
Indeed - it's nice for when it's more crowded and you've seen it a few times, you can go bypass and save a few minutes and pass a few of the new crowd. ; When it's less crowded, you can opt to go over to the scenic route to get some nice photos of the area without as many people in it.
Some inside Haunted Mansion ride shots

Thanks Craig - I think you'll enjoy it.

I figured I'd toss in a few of my ride shots too, since they were all shot in succession:

The stretching room:

The birthday scene:

The bride:

The singing busts:
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Nice job, Justin. ; I've been trying to get a shot of the singing busts the last several rides, with no success. ; Maybe Pixelmania will be my lucky day.
Thanks Dennis. ; I think that may be when I finally got the first one of them myself - it was either September, or Pixelmania. ; I've now gotten them 2 or 3 times, so I'm getting the hang of it and remembering to be ready with my camera!
Justin which camera did you use to get those shots of the busts? ; I have tried several times, but don't have a fast enough setting on my camera or a fast enough lens to get anything worth keeping there.
All of the inside shots were with my A550, and my Sigma 30mm F1.4 lens. ; Camera was at ISO6400, and the lens was wide open. ; That was enough to get me a 1/40 shutter. ; In-body stabilization does help too when going slowish shutters with a prime...though on the moving ride, it's not a panacea.
Nice! ; I thought the effects but I felt a little clausterphobic since everything was so high and the walkways so narrow. ; When Im at Disney World I like to ya know...breathe!