My daughter's making me dizzy

Love the idea for this one, only I went on this for the last time in August, I did not like how I felt when we got off. ; But this may be worth it......
Thanks y'all. I don't feel so hot after looking through a VF on the TC. My wife won't ride so I have to sacrifice myself.
I will absolutely, positively never get that shot, never attempt that shot, and for the sake of anyone in nearby teacups, never step on that ride. ; Great shot...great idea. ; But no spinning/circles for me either.
Justin, I Love it! LOL ; As soon as I got off, I said to myself, I hope she doesn't ask to go again. I do have another shot of both my daughters and myself at another time. After each teacup ride, I pray that I held it in.
I learned long ago, as a little child, that I wasn't meant to spin around - I shared my cookies with everyone on a merry-go-round once when I was 4 or 5, and just to make sure things hadn't changed, had to literally jump off a carousel at age 12 despite the protestations and panic of the ride staff who thought I'd hurt myself (I felt much better rolling into some hedges and skinning my knee than I would have if I'd stayed on that thing any longer!). ; Since then, no spinnie things.
Your making me laugh just thinking about it. We had turbulence on the 1 1/2 hr flight home and my wife just stared straight. She gets really bad motion sickness.
Cute photo. Without meaning to, you guys are making me really wish there was a roller coaster somewhere nearby. :-)

Not such a good times for anyone in the spin circle, and no, that's not the same as the circle of trust
Might look something like this...but a slightly different color:
Have always wanted to get a shot like that on the Tea Cups but would be sick the rest of the day. ; Can't do anything that goes in circles really fast. ; Nice shot!!