Ah...the new camera positively ROCKS! ; Love it. ; Everything my beloved A300 was, times 5. ; The auto white balance is excellent, dynamic range improved dramatically, the in-camera HDR mode is very very cool and more usable than I ever imagined, the 5fps continuous mode is superfast, and focus tracks no problem even at that speed - then there's the even speedier 7fps mode that sounds like a machine gun going off. ; The LCD is gorgeous (love the 920K screens, and the 180 degree articulation makes it even better), the best-in-business live view mode has improved by keeping the normal fast 2nd-sensor mode, and adding manual-focus live view mode too. ; Battery lasts literally forever (charged it the night before the trip, and one time in the middle of the trip...1200 shots, tons of reviewing photos, and 11 days of shooting in mixed OVF/Live View use, and it still had 18% on the second charge remaining. ; And the image quality is pretty darned good too!
I just uploaded the gallery, sorting things through...will post here soon.