My 1000th Post ..... Pirates of the Carribean


I am just stunned. All that was in my photo to be brought out by the right person!!!!

The detail in the skeleton is now phenomenal. I now have renewed faith that this could go on a wall. I wonder how big I can go without noise
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Thanks Ray! I would say you could print it at least at the original size. I've never printed anything bigger than 8x12, so I'm not really sure how big you could print it without any image quality issues.

Here's a 5"x5" crop from the full size image at 200dpi

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What's the difference between the two attached images?

Between you and Michael the blown highlights have been salvaged well. Roger's has a bit more richness in the wood tones. Both guy's attempts are fabulous
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Nothing, I was trying to not have the full size show up but I guess I missed that one.

I used A2 and Noise Ninja. I'm thinking dfine did a better job.
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I didn't think to mess with the wood tones... Here's another attempt with the wood tones warmed up a little bit and the blue color on the rocks enhanced to as well.

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Here is my version.
I converted to jpeg in acdsee. in corel, I used nik dfine, then nik viveza in several spots, then nik sharpener. I'm trying to see what nik is capable of for me.

the finished jpeg is 10.5mb.

Guys the processing on this is amazing. Just goes to show what the right person and programs can do with just about any photo.
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"PolynesianMedic" said:
Guys the processing on this is amazing. Just goes to show what the right person and programs can do with just about any photo.

I agree. My original picture was a fantastic convergence of luck and equipment and looked good as is. But these guys have taken that OK picture and made it phenomenal. I have one of my first trophies
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Ray I think you did a great job on that pic. my pp skils are nothing to speak of so I bought a scott kelby book on elements 7 to get a handle on it