


I prefer Molson but Moosehead will do in a pinch. ; :)
Well, anything to make you happy, Craig! ; I was looking for a good subject for a work environmental portrait and the light and green Moose head was too good to pass up. ; ;D
That's a neat shot. ; Thanks for posting. ; I've never had this type of beer before, so I might have to try it soon, if it is that good Craig.
Very Nicely done Scott & I agree with Craig. This will always make me Happy. What can be better than a pint while watching Illuminations.
"BB3126" said:
I saw the tap but did not think to take a picture, you have a good eye.

Thank you! ; I wanted to include more photos of CMs on my last trip. ; Sometimes they were the main subject and sometimes they helped to tell the story.
one of the best thing's i came out of attending college in upstate new york with was an appreciation of the fine taste of molson golden on tap, something not available in the downstate area