Monorail Throught Epcot

Here are some photos I took of the monorail passing through EPCOT

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some really nice compositions to be're right.

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Nothing impressive, but all I've got in my library for the moment. :-\

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Tim, love the middle one.

Here's mine.
<img src="" />
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hey that looks familair.... where'd ya get the idea for that shot ?? ;)
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do you always listen to guys you meet in the park? LOL :o
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i love how the monorail runs every 15min or so. i wanted to get a shot of it during christmas passing through a space in the lighted Epcot WS arch. I missed it the first time but then I set up got all the settings right and waited and then it came and Whammo. got it. i'll have to find it and post it. but I liked that i felt I always had the opportunity to recompose the shot. that it wasn't gone forever.
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