

what can i say, maybe one of the most beautiful city/states in the world. so built up and yet every square inch of ground manicured and planted with flowers/gardens/fountains
#1 monaco main harbor/city from the hill to the palace, albert was in residence as his flag was flying, but he did not have time to see me for advice about all his baby's mama's
#2 west monaco harbor, yes the med really is that blue
#3 oceonagraphic institute, we went inside, loved it, many fond memories of cousteau documentaries

those are the f1 grandstands being disassembled in the center of #1, kind of cool to see all the stuff still in place

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Oh man.. almost the only time I've ever seen Monaco has been with regards to some sort of Formula racing. Such a beautiful course, yet so dangerous (no soft barriers anywhere, just hard concrete walls).
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