I'm even less certain of my opinion than Gary, but.. I kind of like the lights in the background. I'm not convinced they're a good thing, I can see that they could be a distraction, but so help me I look at it and they feel like they're a part of the scene, they seem to belong there.
I think I'm seeing them as if they were stars behind the Earth. Yet at the same time I also think of them as being flood lights aimed at the ship, like the flood lights you'd see aimed at a launch pad at night. I know those are two totally different concepts but in my mind I think I'm combining them.
Otherwise I think the lighting is a big tricky, I'd like to see the ship and perhaps the Earth a bit brighter. You'd probably have to combine several shots to get everything exposed like I'd like to see it, that gets technical, but.. I think I've found another shot to do with my tripod for Mousefest, actually. I've never really done any exposure combining, it's a procedure I need some practice at.