Mega Mouse Meet

Just a "small" sampling of what I took at the Mega Mouse Meet....
Part 1...

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Part 2...

I don't know, but there's just something about that lady in red. ;-)

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Here are a few of mine:

Tim apparently enjoys being on BOTH sides of the camera!


Maggie of Disney's Photopass (nice lady with lots of info plus discount codes!)

Right back atcha, Byron!

Podcasters on the job!

I'm not tired, im... PEOPLE WATCHING! Yeah, that's the ticket...

Friends from - Rhinodad and his DD Kerrigan (she's not grimacing in fear, that's her smile. My nephew smiles the same way)

Mike Scopa, Rhinodad, and Kerrigan. In the background you can see the irrepressable Masayo, who lit up many meets this year with her infectious smile
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who's the man?

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that's so true, i had forgotten about the holding of the coffee, some of us motor along on caffeine, we gets so's we only think about the cup if it's empty or in the way
here's a couple more from mega meet

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2 more of the 1048 processed photos, approx 1400 taken, give or take 100

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Great pics. Great times. I enjoyed meeting everyone and cannot wait til next year. ;)
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