meet the chef


[size=medium][size=small]while dining for my candlelight processional package i had the opportunity to meet the new pastry chef at chefs de france. since the passing of gaston lenotre i was wondering if a new chef would be brought into the remy, he comes around during meals on a regular basis to make sure your experience is all it can be[/size][/size]

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I ate there but was too late and the little chef had already called it a day. ; That's one of the best photos of Remy I've seen yet, Gary. ; BTW, the food is excellent and the creme brulee was fabulous!
we ate there this summer for lunch, but missed Remy. That is a great picture of him!
thanks very much for everyone's kind comments. for fellow canon shooters, i have to tell you, that 50mm f1.2 is expensive, heavy, and hard to master, but when you are on. well it's just banging dawg, as the youngun's say
nice work gary! ; How was your meal? ;

I need to go back there some day, but my wife insists we had a bad experience the one and only time we went there. ; I think it was more an issue of it being late, fatigue setting in (for her and the waiter) and not really the food.
i've eaten probably 15 lunches/dinners there over the years, and never had a bad meal, ever, the mac and cheese made with gruyere cheese is to die for, here and the late lamented spoodles were our 2 favorites in the world for all these years
thats it we are going back, with a last name like Bousquet we need to support out fellow frenchies! ; We certainly spend our fair share at Le Cellier!
Awesome Remy shot! ; The food there has been excellent in my couple of visits...though I didn't see Remy either last time I was there.
If that 50mm 1.2 is too much of a burden on you, I'd be happy to take it off your hands -- heck, I'd even trade you my 50mm 1.8 -- it's much lighter and easier to carry. ; ;)



PS--nice shot