MDP Voicemail / Listener Email Show Coming on 4/29/2007
Hey MDP pod-people. Just an advance heads-up that show #9 for April 29, 2007 will be an all listener voicemail / email show. Send in your emails and voicemails to the show and we will do our best to answer them as part of the show.
Send your emails to
Send your voicemails to 206-888-MDP2 (6372)
The sooner you send them in, the better the chances of it being used on the show. We hope to hear from you and we'll see you soon. Thanks, as always, for supporting the MDP.
Hey MDP pod-people. Just an advance heads-up that show #9 for April 29, 2007 will be an all listener voicemail / email show. Send in your emails and voicemails to the show and we will do our best to answer them as part of the show.
Send your emails to
Send your voicemails to 206-888-MDP2 (6372)
The sooner you send them in, the better the chances of it being used on the show. We hope to hear from you and we'll see you soon. Thanks, as always, for supporting the MDP.
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