MDP Show #7 - 4/15/2007


Staff member
Nathan and Tim are interested in entertaining people, in bringing pleasure, particularly laughter, to others, rather than being concerned with 'expressing' obscure creative impressions with this Magical Definition Disney Podcast." On this episode of the Magical Defintion Disney podcast Nathan and Tim take you inside the world of Disney Press Relations with Jim Hill followed by a talk by Charlie Ridgeway highlighting his various accomplishments of his carear at the Disney Company. So sit back and take a trip with us as we "Spin Disney". Don't forget you can be part of the MDP Podcast crew by sending in an email to or by calling the voicemail at (206) 888-MDP2 (6372).
Surprised Jim didn't mention the Columbia. That's what started the "current" Disney press coverage mania.

Did you see where security will be holding everyone's still cameras during the P3 premiere (actual movie, not red carpet)? But no (consumers) video recording devices at all in the park that night?
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