MDP Show #6... 4/8/2007 now online.


Staff member
almost 2 hours of MDP goodness.... longest MDP show ever. your thoughts, comments, etc?
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Nikon users have "Auto ISO" which helps when you go from bright & f/16 shots to dark and EF 50/1.0L shots.

Canon users can start using "ISO Safety Shift" starting sometime in the next 60-90 days. Or later.

Most P&Ss use Auto ISO, which can be complex to understand if you're a old school film user. Of course most P&S also have a min. aperture of less than f/16 due to diffraction of the tiny weeny CCD sensors-another subject.

Good tip about riding it twice!
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Tim -

I'm trying to find the MDP online where I can download it in MP3 format. I once had a link where I could do that, and I have episodes 1 - 5, but I can't find the link anymore (please don't say that Yahoo is the only way - I don't want to "sign up" to get it). When I go to the MDP site and click "download", it starts to play, not download. Maybe its just me. Is there a regular link?
scott, if you go here... ... ctory.aspx

all you have to do is right click on the download button then pick save link as/ save target as to download the show.

we would PREFER you to subscribe thru itunes because it helps our rankings if itunes tracks the downloads.
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you betcha.... i have had a few of those over the years...
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"Tim" said:
all you have to do is right click on the download button then pick save link as/ save target as to download the show.

we would PREFER you to subscribe thru itunes because it helps our rankings if itunes tracks the downloads.

Thanks, Tim. I got it now. DUH! I should have known about the right-click thing. I'm getting old, I guess.

Does iTunes allow downloads in regular, standard, MP3 format? I copy the files to a CD and play them through my DVD player (which accepts MP3 only).
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the show is only produced in mp3 so when you get it thru itunes, you are getting the same exact file as your would from the site. some podcasts are in m4a (thumbnails, chapters, etc.) but ours does not use that feature.
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