MDP Show #15... 6/10/2007


Staff member
"I shall call him Shandy, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Shandy!"

The sky has truly fallen as we welcome you to the June 10th, 2007 edition of the Magical Definition Disney podcast with that semi-quasi quote from Pixar's Finding Nemo. On this show the MDP crew takes you out into the Big Blue World as we feature some Disney News, a Disney trip report from Nathan, Tim and Jackie, an in-depth discussion from Jim Hill about the new Disneyland Nemo submarines, and the general "Nemoization" of Disney theme parks, and much more for you to shake your little fin at! So remember...Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming...

Don't forget to send your Disney reviews, comments, or just plain wackiness to our podcast crew at to or by calling the voicemail at (206) 888-MDP2 (6372) (We promise we will get to them once we return from under the sea).

For more information and to listen to the show visit
Okay Tim, y'all had too much fun at the parks. But the Jungle Skippers are the best, esp those that...go around the standard spiel. Like during the no-gun phase they really improvised with the charging hippo, like making it do "tricks" and finishing by waiting just past it to see it reset for the next boat. Or hypnotizing it a la Crocodile Dundee.

And Tim in just a month? you too can join the Finding Nemo: The Musical addiction group. The first step is to admit you have a problem....
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