MDP Show #10... 5/6/2007


Staff member
"No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess!" With that quote from Disney/Pixars Incredibles we kick off the May 6th, 2007 edition of the Magical Definition Disney Podcast. On this week's show Nathan, Tim, and Jackie discuss the latest Disney news. Then get ready for an action-packed thill-ride as Jim Hill and Nathan take a journey through Disney comic book films of past, present and future. If you do one thing this weekend, go to the theaters to see spider-man 3. If you are going to do two things this weekend make sure you listen to MDP! As always don't forget you can be part of the MDP Podcast crew by sending in an email to or by calling the voicemail at (206) 888-MDP2 (6372).

A special welcome this week to Jackie-O who makes her debut as a whole-show podcaster. She brings a female perspective to the show, which is quite rare in the Disney Podcast Community. Great job this week, Jack!
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Another great effort, Tim. Very much enjoyed it.

Your recommendation on character shots (ie, the Rule of Thirds) can't be stressed enough. Composing your shots via the grid (rather than putting all the action in the center) isn't just to give them more context, it actually is to conform with how your brain "prioritizes" imagery. When all the action is in the center, it confuses your brain and on an underlying level, the image is displeasing. I don't know a rookie or a P&S photographer out there who doesn't start off with all the action in the center of the page ... but once they understand the rule, their hobby takes on a whole new dimension.

For anyone not familiar with the concept, here's a good visual explanation of it: ... of-thirds/

I'm sure I (or anyone else on the site, for that matter) could comb through my own character photos and come up with plenty of examples that can illustrate why the rule is so useful.
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Thank you for the warm welcome, Tim :) It's always a blast working with you and Nathan! I don't know why females are so rare in the Disney Podcast Community, but I'm happy to be breaking some of the norms. Thank you again for having me! This weeks show is great. The Jim Hill discussion is great, the discussions and news are great and the bloopers... had me howling! Can't wait to have the opportunity to record with you guys again! I feel very lucky :) Hope every like this weeks episode!
Thanks, John. I think this was our best show yet, by far. Getting stronger ever week, if I do say so myself. Look for a lot of new stuff coming in the next few weeks.
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