Joanie's correct, they do run buses as early as 6:30 am. Michael and I took the Marceline tour last October and got there so early that there was only one security guard at bag check. We had a long, intersesting conversation before the rest of the security crew showed up.
I just got the updated park hours. Nothing has changed for DHS/SWW (8 am - 10 pm Fri-Sun) but they are now showing 9:45 pm as the time for Symphony in the Stars. Plan accordingly.
Now if they'd only announce the guests already! I think this is the latest they've ever waited.
I just got the updated park hours. Nothing has changed for DHS/SWW (8 am - 10 pm Fri-Sun) but they are now showing 9:45 pm as the time for Symphony in the Stars. Plan accordingly.
Now if they'd only announce the guests already! I think this is the latest they've ever waited.