Magic In Pixels' MK Photo Meet


Here's some pics of Tim in action I thought you'd like to see. :)

Here's Tim addressing the horde at Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station. Note the use of fill flash with the bright contrast of the background.


Tim explaining how to use the Partner statue in front of the Castle. Yes, I wasn't kidding when I said "horde".


Tim describing how to improve on this classic photo spot (just ignore the crane, please!).


How to take some unique pictures in Liberty Square. A great time was had by all.


Thanks, Tim! I had a lot of fun!
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my pleasure, scott. it was great meeting you and i was overwhelmed by how many people showed up. you bet, that was quite a horde to say the least! thanks for all of your support.
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thanks, will. you have some "interesting" candids in there. the one at the piano is great. thanks for sharing
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tmip standing tall at mk daytime photo meet

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Tim... Are you willing to share the tips you gave to those of us who could not attend MF?

(Possibly a new thread in this new Mousefest Forum? ;) )
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Might as well get my feet wet with my first post.

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Here's a couple more of some of the budding WDW photographers taking pictures of Cindy's fountain in Fantasyland. If anyone knows who these people are, let me know, I'll like to send them copies. Don't you just love the concentration!


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These are my photos from the MK meet.









Of course, I did not realize the date was on, until after getting the prints back. >:(
good stuff, guys and gals. i am really glad you folks had fun at MF '06. hope you learned some new stuff and i really hope to see you again this year. lots of good stuff planned for '07.
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I only attended the night time photo meet, and I was late for that; next year I will try to attend a few more. Fortunately, however, I did have several other opportunities to talk to Tim.

It's nice to be able to speak to someone who speaks the same language, even if he is more proficient than I am.
Okay I give in, I have to join in and post some of my stuff. I mean one of the pictures posted so far shows me taking one of these.

I start off with a panorama, a combination of three shots taken to try to show the rather large number of people who showed up. Unfortunately I didn't take enough shots to show the whole group, I'm not sure why. I'm proud of it, just because it took a little bit of extra editing to resolve a conflict. Photoshop's photomerge function did a decent job of stitching the images, except one person's hand was half chopped off. So I took a copy of the original and used a little layer mask editing to draw the rest of the arm back in.

Then, because I'm indecisive, I offer three different variations on the statuette theme. Overall I prefer the first for the extreme background blur, but it's a bit too tightly framed. The other two include more of Donald, but I don't like the background look as much.

My great new concept learned in the tour were those statues. I mean I didn't even know they existed. I'm a devotee of the "Disney Commando" style of park going, my usual style is hitting the parks hard to do as much ride riding as possible. I won't apologize for it, it's my preference and that's they way I like it. But in doing so I'm sure I do tend to miss some of the finer details. And of course it's not entirely conducive to a fine photography approach.
But the statues were a genius inclusion in the tour. I mean first off there were a lot of them, so the large group could spread out and divide up the statues. Also it was a really good, clean way to play with depth of field and composition. Such a simple concept, yet such pleasing images.. especially with the brightly colored flowerbed behind them for a background.
Also I'm not entirely sure I knew that the Cinderella fountain existed. I may have passed by it, but overall that's not a route I normally take so I wouldn't have seen it very often.

You know what's be kind of fun.. or funny, take your pick? A TMIP group ride through of Living with the Land. I mean imagine a boat or two filled with manic photographers. Now that there's no actual person giving the speeches we could more or less ignore the factual content, instead it would be a case of dueling photographers, fighting for prime position to get the key shots.
I guess the same would apply to a photographer group ride of the Safari Ride. Although imagine the conflict of all the telephoto lenses swinging about. You wouldn't just have to look out for other people, you'd have to make sure there's no other glass in the way when you bring a lens from one side to the other. I do a lot of solo ride throughs of that ride, so I normally get seated on an end, so I don't really have to deal with such things normally. Actually I often end up with a row to myself. But imagine a whole row of telephoto equipped SLR users.
It'd probably be smart to evenly distribute the SLR users among the vehicle.
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ya know, i never thought of than angle for jimeny. nice idea, barb.
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BarB, I like the concept of the 4th pic (Pinocchio & Jimny). If you don't mind my comment, I think it would be even better if the framing is vertical (to make it more apparent for non-Disney fan that it's actually Pinocchio).
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more like, tim is contemplating the end of his 15 minutes of fame... ;D
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